"Filipino Kaisen" takes place in the same universe as "Jujutsu Kaisen" however the story progresses on a different country named "Philippines" and the story follows the music loving "Juno Coralles" Everything started when "Guanzon Public Highschool" announced a Field trip for the Grade 11 students specifically in Juno's section, However on the day of field trip before Juno departs his home, Juno's Mother gave him an "Anting - Anting" which is a cursed object and without juno knowing about it he wears it as a souvenir from his mother, then when Juno and his classmates in the Field trip bus are about enter their Destination, Several Cursed spirits disturbed their ride and most of the students were wondering why did the bus stopped, however there were two students who can see the Cursed spirits, which are Juno Coralles and Fred Dadansan, and with the help of the "Anting - Anting" Cursed Object, Juno is able to see cursed spirits, efficiently use Cursed energy and Awaken his Cursed Technique, both of them tried to defeat the cursed spirits and succeeded until a bigger threat arrived and two students from the "Luzon Sorcery Highschool" have arrived and starting here the journey of Juno Coralles in the World Of Sorcerery have Begun.
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Mobile Suit Gundam Record Of Ms Wars Ii
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A collection of five short stories set between Universal Century 0079-0093 and features the return of Frederick Brown introduced in the original Mobile Suit Gundam: Record of MS Wars.
Sumi Nigori
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Summer, 29 years old. I got a long vacation from my job, so I decided to go back to my family's home after a long absence. Living there are my parents, my older sister, and my 35 year old unemployed brother, who doesn't talk to anyone.
Good Night, Stray Sheep
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Japan is the country with the shortest sleep time in the world. Despite being born in such a sleep-deprived country, Shinya Moroboshi is an unemployed man who sleeps a lot and lives a self-indulgent life that has nothing to do with lack of sleep. One day, Moroboshi finds an unfamiliar "sleep selling app" on his phone. He uses it with some skepticism, but to his surprise, he is able to actually sell his sleep and make money...!? This is a story that will light up the tomorrow of a deep, never-ending night. (Source: Comic Zenon, translated)
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The story of "Katarika: The Curse of Ghostly Tales" follows a group of girls trapped by a mysterious "curse" linked to Ghostly tales. It combines thrilling suspense and emotional depth, focusing on their friendships as they navigate this eerie phenomenon. The manga blends supernatural horror with the characters' personal struggles, unraveling a chilling tale of how stories can shape and destroy their world.