This tells the story of Cid Valiant del Loco, who one day emigrated with his squire to the kingdom of Florentis for a better life. However, they had a small problem: they were illegal immigrants. Even knowing the consequences that implied, they normally lived their lives eluding the authority of the Valkyries, or so it was until one day everything changed.This story is normally shown in one-page format
- Read Manga Online
- Slice of life
- completed
- Page: 356
Purgatory Academy
No chapter
- 5.10k
- Studio Masonimous
When death isn't the end and you have four years to decide between Heaven and Hell. Follow fellow students, Travis, Susan, and Jim, as they figure out if we have the power to overcome systems beyond our control.
Chimera Island
No chapter
- 5.30k
- Studio Masonimous
There's a hidden Island striving to find balance. We follow four characters on their quest to find adventure, friends, respect, and identity.
You're The One Who Taught Me
No chapter
- 24.20k
- Kamemizu Tora
A oneshot posted on twitter by Kamemizu Tora.