In the era following a certain natural disaster, Jyougasaki Hichiki, an escapee from 'The Rebirth Training Institution for Boys' , makes his living as a professional thief. A chance encounter with the mysterious and unfathomable 'Bo-chan' ; the enigmatic being who dwells within the 'Peppermint Highway Mansion', compels the curious burglar to infiltrate the run-down (but charming) household as a butler...But what does Bo-chan have in store for the eccentric Jyougasaki?
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1-Nen 5-Kumi Ikimono Gakari
Vol.2 Chapter 8 : Adam- 317.40k
- Fukushima Haruka
Eru Yamada can't seem to get away from the supernatural. She's being stalked by a vampire. Her teacher is a werewolf, who also happens to think she belongs to him! As if that wasn't enough, yet another boy with supernatural powers shows up, trying to get her to fall for him, and she winds up with a rival in love who has dangerous powers as well!
Vol.3 Chapter 18- 175.20k
- Kayase Shiki
From Storm in Heaven: Judges are the messengers of the Central Government, sent out to punish delinquent cities. They have the ability to control programmed "seeds", causing explosive growth. After a disease breaks out among the "Children of Babel", those Judges who're given power through Central's research, Central requires the data of a natural Judge like Sion. However, Central is also interested in the legend of the "Heavenly City", which Sion is named after; what could their true purpose be?
Vol.1 Chapter 2- 97.70k
- Otsu Ichi
[From AnimeWaves]: Two kids, Kouhei and Akio, made up an imaginary girl named Hajime to take the blame for destruction of the principal's copper statue. But one day, they meet a girl that is exactly like their description of Hajime, but only they can see her.
Haginokouji Seiya-Sama No Ran
Vol.1 Chapter 4- 203.60k
- Akizuki Koh
Bathed in fame, authority, assets... The noble family of Kyoto Haginokouji. Seiya-sama the next head of the family, has just reached the age of 16 and still goes to high school. With anarchistic family customs, he can't stand having to keep his life a secret! His sole ally? The handsome level-headed Takakura Yoshiki. He plays the role as the Haginokouji family's young and skillful private secretary, but when it comes to his young master's childish antics, he melts on the spot...! The series is incomplete because Tohjoh Asami passed away due to illness.
Vol.6 Chapter 38- 336.51k
- Kanzaki Masaomi
When forcibly injected with the DNA of Musashi - the legendary swordsman--by the "Akai Umi" (Red Sea) secret organization, Hagane Yakushimaru becomes a master fencer with supernatural powers. She sets off to rescue her parents who have been abducted by Akai Umi, making friends and foes with supernatural beings (parasite projects) who have also been injected with the DNA of other historical figures. What is Hagane's secret? Why is she the only successful female DNA injection? What exactly is the project called the "Revelations of the New Millennium"? A veteran artist depicts a futuristic battle manga on a grand scale.