The story revolves around Tsunashi, the child of royalty who was left behind in the lost kingdom of Karan. He is expected by those around him to awaken his great powers that sleep within him in order to revive the kingdom — but rather than fighting, Tsunan enjoys playing in the world of books. However, he must become serious soon, as a new army is threatening to invade Karan. **Licensed by Crunchyroll**
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Kyo No Fukkatsu
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- 25k
- Miguel_M
After losing everything, fuelled by his unrelenting rage and guilt, Kyo is out for revenge against the man responsible for his suffering; Riki Dima. Will Kyo get the revenge he so desperately wants or will it only push him into becoming a monster?
Hell Fists
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Picture this: You're the guardian of the human realm, Half-Demon Half-Angel. Your supernatural powers run on cash, not magic. The problem? You're broke as HELL because, well, humans just aren't hiring underworld creatures these days! Plus, you've got TWO housewives to care for. It's like a sitcom, only with more celestial battles!! If you think this is the wildest comic plot ever, you're in for a ride! Join us in this hilarious world where the supernatural collides with the comically ordinary.
Junkyard Ronin
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- 99Michiokoyama
A priestess starts a chain of events leading to our hero waking up with no memory. . .
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- Lyfaeren
Five years after a war, James has helped rebuild the land of Norbury, living a satisfying life of relative solitude. But a sudden accident forces him to make new discoveries about his past, bringing dangerous memories to light! James quickly realizes he can no longer fight alone.
How To Heal From Schizophrenia
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- Vie.ame
*Meet the Apr 2023 Bronze Award Winner for MangaPlus Creator's Monthly Prize!*What if bad emotions turn you into a monster ? Bulle wants to save his father from schizophrenia!
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- Huff The Dragon
Oh look another isekai! You know, a guy gets transported to a fantasy world where’s he’s OP, surrounded by hot girls and he’ll save the world. Except he’s transformed into a dragon where he doesn’t understand anybody or what’s going on. Well, maybe not just another isekai.