"Osananajimi Ga Hoshii" To Tsubuyaitara Yoku Issho Ni Asobu Onna Tomodachi No Yousu Ga Hen Ni Nattanda Ga

Alternative:「幼馴染みがほしい」と呟いたらよく一緒に遊ぶ女友達の様子が変になったんだが ; "Osananajimi ga Hoshī" to Tsubuyaitara Yoku Issho ni Asobu Onna Tomodachi no Yōsu ga Hen ni Nattanda ga ; When I Murmured, "I Want a Childhood Friend," the Behavior of My Female Friend I Often Hang Out with Changed.
GenresComedy-Romance-School life-Shounen
Updated:Jan 13, 2025 - 5:44 AM

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―It was a casual remark made by Akito while having lunch with his usual friend group of four. However, he didn't know that the person sitting right in front of him, Natsumi, was actually his childhood friend who had moved away when they were small! Since then, Natsumi has been trying to express her feelings to Akito, but because they had always been friends, it hasn't been easy for her to convey them...
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